Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Its Alright

Ever heard any of those college horror stories about staying up all night to read a book and then write a paper on it...all in one night. It happens. Trust me, as much as I hate procrasinaters its impossible to not be guilty of it once in your life. I was guilty of procrasinating last night because this paper was only a 1-2 page paper over a 500 page book. Now honestly, isn't it a little bit ridiculous to read that much and only write 1-2 pages.

Between reading 500 pages and writing my paper I got approximately 2 hours of sleep last night. Its amazing though the thoughts and ideas that flow through your mind at 4 in the morning. I enjoyed reading the book, but the assignment was too short to put all one's thoughts together. That's part of college though...writing papers on things you may not want to, but in the end you feel smarter by some of the key concepts you remembered from reading.

Needless to say I took a nap today for about an hour. It was greatly appreciated. Perhaps there was other things I should have been doing, but sometimes you just have to relax and take some time for yourself. Set priorities and take care of yourself once in awhile.